
Monday, November 20, 2006

No Run :: 1:00:00 bike

Recovery ride today. Giving the left leg a break. Some pain in the adductor, so playing it safe. Today was a recovery pace eight to ten miles, so it was a good one to replace with a bike ride.

Run Two | Weather | Supplemental | Nutrition | Sleep | Injury


MB said...

lesson learned? It's tough but you gotta take the recovery, good for you.

Andrew commented something about a Kimbia recovery link, could you send that or post again?

Eric said...

Taking time to recover properly is no longer hard to do precisely because I have learned how important it is. An hour on the bike serves about the same purpose as an hour on the roads after the last two workouts. Doesn't matter to me how I get the time in as long as it results in recovery.

Here's the link's a very good one, especially in light of this post. Thanks for commenting!

MB said...

So if you start sneezing or notice a runny nose or scrath in the throat - I'm out the door to get echinacea and zinc lonzenges.-from the Kimbia link

Thanks Eric!