
Friday, November 23, 2007

2:17:00 :: 20.1 miles (9.1 / 11)

Two easy runs. One hour with four miles at 6:15 pace, and a longer run in the afternoon. Both felt really good. A bit tired from lack of sleep last night.

Ohana 1
190 miles

Run Two | Weather | Supplemental | Nutrition | Sleep | Injury


Abadabajev said...

Hello Eric the machine. I do not understand your spreadsheet indicating 7 day rolling mileage. I'm looking at it and it appears its a 7 week rolling average. Excuse my ignorance. What's on the left side? minutes or miles? I doubt your run 100 miles per day. Maybe its minutes. But your rolling avg is expressed in miles. I need a drink.

Eric said...

I need a drink, too. Cheers!

With the graph, I am taking a seven day total (current day plus the last six) and plotting it on the graph each day, so I guess it's a seven day rolling total. On the left is miles, and each bar is a day, so days on the bottom.

I wanted to do the graph in hours and minutes, but Google Docs doesn't see the data for some reason, so I had to go with miles.

Time for another beer!