
Monday, July 02, 2007

55:04 :: 8 miles

Easy run. Ridiculously low heart rate, averaged 127 for the run at 6:53 pace, and 132 for three miles at 6:41 pace. However, it was oddly uncomfortable and I felt heavy and tired. My energy level just seems off. I'm sure I could run faster, but I'm not compelled to like I was before the marathon. Rather than holding back from running to o fast, I seem to feel like holding off on increasing the pace.

Maybe I'm just irritated by the bugs, humidity, heat, and bugs, and smell around here lately. Even at 4am, the humidity and heat is too much, and the bugs flying in your eyes and mouth are just disgusting. I'm going to label this post 'summer running sucks' to remind me why training through a North Dakota winter isn't as tough as it sounds. I got frustrated sometimes, but never like I did today.

Run Two | Weather | Supplemental | Nutrition | Sleep | Injury


Mike said...

The smells? Are you out running by the sewage treatment plant?

Around here it smells good, but soon enough some rampant wildfires will made the air toxic.

afuntanilla said...

i can relate. on my run on sunday, i swallowed a bug. first time for everything, i guess.
you are doing awesome!