
Monday, November 17, 2008

Hello, friend

Wow. It's been a while. And it's been a long, hard road. In just the past week, I've finally gotten to the point where I am running nearly pain-free, and nearly normal distances. Even though I spent a lot of time in the pool, and did a lot to maintain my fitness, I lost a lot of ground. It could have been much, much worse, so I try to keep that in mind as I build back up.

I've been getting a lot of positive pressure to start blogging again, which is good. Now that running is back to almost normal, the blog will be a lot more readable as well. No more entries like, "ran ten steps, laid down in the street and cried, walked home, hot bath, candles, and more crying. Can't wait for tomorrow!"

Saturday was my first 20 miler (2:20) since the marathon way back in May. It went really well in terms of not creating any soreness, and just starting to create some depletion. I definitely could have continued for another mile or two, but I was already 20 minutes further along than any other run in the past four months or so, so I didn't want to push too far, too soon. Other than that, a few 60-70 mile weeks, a few evaluation runs, and consistently less pain in the leg as the days go by. Things are improving. Thanks for standing by. Now, back to the program...


Thomas said...

The "nearly" in "running nearly pain-free" does worry me a bit, to be honest, but I trust you are smart enough to know your limits (i.e. smarter than me).

Eric said...

Don't let the "nearly" qualifier concern you. I still have about one run out of every five that is uncomfortable, but the other four are pain-free. And the days that I do have some issues are similar to what I would have called a great day eight weeks ago.

The cause of the pain is not related to the stress fracture, but to the healing process. The lump of healing bone is displacing a portion of the calf muscle, which is causing some pressure in the compartment, and probably impeding blood flow, similar to compartment syndrome. The result is some cramping, and throbbing pains. As the lump decreases in size, the symptoms should be less, which is what I'm experiencing.

If anything, I've found I'm guilty of underestimating my limits. If I hadn't gotten the MRI, I don't know if I would be running yet! I'd still be sitting in a corner worrying about every little twinge. I've become very conservative in my old age. haha

Thanks for the comment, Thomas. I was sorry to read about the 'Red Bull' incident! Regardless, there is no doubt you will be ready for a big milestone the next time out. Cheers.

Michael said...

Welcome back Eric, I'm happy to see that you're back running and blogging. No more crying now.

Richie said...

The only thing that scares me at all about this post is the video. Where do you find this stuff. I was so scared watching that thing.

If it is bugs that you like you may be intrigued to view this as well. It is a great Rock Opera based on Franz Kafka's novel "The Metamorphosis"

Adam Dunn said...

Glad to hear you're back and running happily and healthily. Keep it up.

Sky said...

Welcome back to the e-rodeo, cowboy.

by7 said...

good news !!
If you are already running 20 Miles... than is already at good point..
In Spring you will be better then ever !!

Ewen said...

That's great news Eric. Just in time for me to enjoy those posts about you running with one eye frozen shut and ice on the inside of your clothes ;)