
Friday, April 24, 2009

Say Goodbye to the Unicorn

Things are improving quite a lot lately. The weather is still sketchy, but no more ice, snow, or unbearably cold temps lately. I've even willed myself into wearing shorts on a couple of mornings.

I'll see how the weekend of workouts go, and by Sunday morning our little pink friend will sparkle no more. Cheers!


Patrick said...

Sort of too bad, the unicorn was growing on me. Me like shiny thing.

Eric said...

I may just have to shrink it to pocket size and keep it in my blog shorts. I confess that I am a fan of the sparkles. It's a weakness!

Ewen said...

That's a bit sad Eric. Poor unicorn!

I was wondering what percentage of max HR is your MP HR? Is that the HR you'd start a marathon at, or what you'd expect to average for the race?

Eric said...

My maxHR has fluctuated over the last couple of years between 176-178. Just on Thursday, I hit 177 at the tail end of a hill workout (I wasn't working that hard the whole way, just the last 30 seconds). So 178 is probably still accurate.

I think Mystery Coach has mentioned in the past that 154-ish is a good average marathon HR for my profile. I can't say from experience, because I left the HR strap off during both of my marathons. Anyway 154 would be about 87% of maxHR for me.

Yeah, bummer about the unicorn, but I think you'll be excited by, (and even a little bit fearful of) the unicorns replacement. If your mind explodes when you see what is coming, don't blame me.

Mike said...

Always remember: Unicorns only show what condition you are in, they don't make you into that condition...